Sunday, November 4, 2007

# 20 YouTube for beginners

I had a look around YouTube - interesting enough, I suppose, if you've got something specific in mind or if you don't have anything else to do. There are only so many hours in the day and I don't really want to use any of my spare time looking at clips, humorous or otherwise.
However, I must admit I did enjoy the "Medieval Helpdesk" clip; it reminded me of my role at the Information Desk. We often explain what seem to be very simple concepts, only to realise that the customers just don't "get" it.
Back to YouTube - I did enjoy listening to a few song clips (I was able to combine my Learning 2.0 task with a bit of bonding-time with my daughter) and here is one of our favourites -

I don't know why this doesn't show as a link but it is Ben Folds singing "Brick". I just worked out that you can open another window and play music while working on something else (like a blog). Now that makes sense to me. Multi-tasking at its best!

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